Friday, July 31, 2009

Deja Vu

Hahaha I know we're having a new crop of fresh graduates from "University of Intellectuals".well neither do the swallowing the scientific results and not intending to think about its great helping hands towards the destruction are gonna fetch us the solutions. With due respect I didn’t exactly count the number of paragraphs or the number of lines, where I asked you to think or so but I am not asking you to think I know its beyond you. People fight over hell lot of issues, you just can't relate it simply to religion. We all know people do die 'cause of religion, but people perhaps a lot more die beacuse of "Bizali ke jhatkey", nuclear bombs, chemical weapons, global warming and hole in ozone layer, what are you gonna do about it? whip chemistry and physics off. I am not against Science, I am myself an elec. engg from IIT. Where there is power, there is abuse of Power and Religion is the most powerful thing.
It depends on the people how they use or deal with it. It's rahter unfortunate people always go for the darker side, they are too blind to see the brighter side. Its quite evident that you too fail to see the depth of religion. You know about Bin Laden but you don't want to talk about Gandhi who controlled all this bloodshed on the west side during partition with Geeta in one hand and Quraan in the other.

You want to buy that cookie 'cause you're born and brought up in a society which talks about humanity, mercy, tolerance which comes from nothing but religion.

It's weird that you relate my comment with any kind of regionalism. I'd not comment on that.

i don't know why you ain't getting it but as far as I think you can't do a tripple inetgration problem just because you want to and you are concerned about it, you gotta have an understanding of Maths and a background in Maths. It's not rocket science and same is the case with society. If you don;t understand and respect their beliefs and values then may be you should.

In all that jugglery of adjectives you did in all those lines, you persistently seem to sing that “you are a fascist” song which is kind of funny, ‘cause as far as I understand, FASCISM sees pluralism as a dysfunctional aspect of society, and justify a totalitarian state as a means to represent the nation in its entire approach towards “nationalism”, you are reducing Natiionalism to another western bookish ideology. I tell ya what, Fascist is more of an epithet of contemporary era. People use it for addressing their political or ideological enemies. In “What is Fascism?”, George Orwell says .

“The word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation,of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else... almost any English person would accept ‘bully’ as a synonym for ‘Fascist’.”

So this fascist word doesn't mean nothing to me. It's for everybody, it's like you know I am your fasicts and you are my fascist. You questioned my question but eventually you did talk about that communal voilence.

Well I tell you writers who pondered the society and its grievances in their creations and they got respect, but again people who just advocate western ideolgies which don't suit our system. What hell have they done apart from criticising and making fuss about the contemporary system?

and on the last thing which you found funny had a lot of things

1. I don't and didn't bring up the personal relationships, you did.

2. My leaders don't have sons and wives, they are full time nationalists.

3. Like the way you feel for your mother, there are people who do feel the same for Mother India and Maa Sarswati.

4. Like you said "you don't know why your name is Rama, it could have been Spiderman or anything". But it's Rama and you don't know why. That was my whole point.

at the end you still haven't disclosed your ideolgy, your execution plan or anything.

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